Sunday, August 3, 2008


Now this is what the Lord says-
He who created you, O Jacob,
He who formed you, O Israel:
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine."
Isaiah 43:1

As my body lifted up out of the seat and my arms flew high into the cool salty air, I felt a childish excitement well up within me that I haven't experienced in years. In a matter of seconds, I remembered the days where there was no hurt, no responsibility, no baggage, no cares in the world. It was extremely refreshing.

While traveling home from a MOPS RV trip this morning, a friend posed a couple of thought provoking questions. How has mothering changed my identity? How am I different than or the same as before I became a mother? Who and what do I find my identity in?

As I pondered these questions, I became extremely emotional. I looked back over my life as if I were watching scenes on a tv screen, and realized that I am not the girl who I used to be, and I am not the girl who I thought I "wanted" to be.

My identity for so long was in who liked me. Which guys payed attention to me and what girls said about me consumed my mind and created in me a value that I placed on myself. I was a people pleaser, a family pleaser, a "me" pleaser. I needed other's to tell me "WHO" I was.

As I have matured, I realize that the only person I need to tell me WHO I am, is Christ Jesus. It is Him who I must find my identity in. I am understanding that I will play many roles, and have many identities, but only one will bring me true and lasting peace.

When I married Luke, I became "Luke's wife." I became "Mrs. Grover."
When I started to teach, I became "Teacher Amber."
When I became a mother I became "Mommy." I became "Needed." When I became a Christ follower, I became a daughter of the King

I thank the Lord that I am God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for me to do. (Eph 2:10) I pray that I will always find my identity in Him.

On another note...We had a wonderful time in beautiful Santa Cruz mountains. The weather was gorgeous and the company delightful! It was so nice to get a way...and I was refreshed and ready to come home and be a better wife and mom. Thank you ladies for a wonderful weekend. Love you girls so much!

Luke had fun at home with Adi. They kept themselves busy and didn't get into any trouble!!! We were all happy to be together again this evening.
A sweet pic that Luke took of Adi writing on the chalk board....

Good Night!!!

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